
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

News: Not News

This is news:

This is not news:

This is news:

This is not news:

This is news:

This is not news:

This is news:

This is not news:

This is news:

This is not news:

I'm Carroll Bryant .... and this is The Looking Glass.

Things We Learned Today:

* There's a lot of news stories out there in the world .... but Carroll Bryant isn't one of them


  1. We also learned that despite your claims to the contrary, you are unable to let things go.

    1. Really? That's what you learned? The point is, why should I have to let things go? Why should I have to make that choice one way or the other? These things shouldn't have happened in the first place. The bullies should have never started, and they should have taken down their crap when THEY decided to quit.

      Anyhow, I have let it go. I let it go a long time ago. Back in November 2012. You people didn't let it go. You started back up at the beginning of the year. You forced me to start this blog. Just because I have humiliated you bullies by proving your lies to the point you decided to "let it go" doesn't mean I have to stop defending myself against your lies.

      You bullies haven't let it go. If you did, those hate blogs and those posts would be taken down.

      There's still plenty of posts made by you bullies that I haven't had time yet to get around to and address. I intend to address everyone I stumble across. If you don't want me to stumble onto them, then take them down. And YOU let it go.

      These posts have been scheduled for a month or more in advance. I said it before and I will say it again .... when you let it go, I will let it go. The fact that you vile trolls still have your vile crap posted is proof that you vile bullies are not letting it go.

      Welcome to the real world. The world where your actions have consequences. These posts are not attack posts. They are defense posts. I suggest you learn the difference. That is of course, if you have the capacity to even learn in the first place.

      I;m the one who will decide when this war you bullies started is over. And it's over when you take down your lying shit.

      Have a nice day.

    2. If these people really let it go like they say then why are they still stalking your blog carz and keep making comments? they really don't get it. I don't think they ever will. these people think they are so self entitled that they are the ones who get to make the rules. You said for months now that these posts were coming and that you dont consider it over until everything comes down. I disagree with you about their capacity to learn, the problem is they lack the ability to understand.

  2. Don't stop Carroll! These punks continue to come here to your space and leave comments. They are not letting it go. Jude Henderson started this with her bully friends and you have to end it on your terms not theirs. They had their chances to take down their bullshit and they didn't because they can't let it go so don't you stop either. I know you preach to hate the sin and not the sinner but I can't help it. I hate that fat no talent self absorbed bitch Jude. This whole thing is her fault! She stalked you! She manipulated your friend to get to you! Then she sent her friends after you with lies when you rejected her. Don't let her win! She goes through more crushes with her teachers than my kids do ice cream. That girl aint right. Because of her and her friends like Angela Horn, Ade, Belle, Mrs. Joseph, all of them, I'm afraid to review books on gr anymore. My group of over 2000 members is all but dead because of these bullies. Jude and her friends have ruined goodreads for me. A lot of my friends are afraid of these people. You have to keep standing up to them until they stop with their hate and lies. You and stgrb are the only ones who can bring about positive change. Don't stop until all of them take down their bullshit hate blogs and hate posts against you. Thanks for letting me vent. I couldn't keep it in any longer. I despise these people. They are useless excuses for human beings.

    1. Glad you got that out of your system. It's unhealthy to hold it in.

  3. Isn't it funny how the trolls claim they don't pay any attention to you even though they come here and leave comments?

    1. Yes it is funny. Not ha-ha funny, but funny. Or is it ha-ha funny? O_o

  4. I was wondering how long it would be before one of the bullies opened their mouth.

    Good post. Very effective.

  5. Your multiple personalities are appearing in comments again, carroll! You "anon" supporters all sound exactly the same to me.

    You sounds like a crybaby! "Mom, Jenny hit me so I HAD to hit her back!" "He STARTED it!"

    Just fucking shut up and be a man and grow up.

    1. Here we go again. The bully accusations. LOL I love it!

      I really love the way they come into MY space and tell me how to act. Their cry-baby whine didn't take long to start back up, did it? LOL Even after they knew for the past two months that these posts were coming up. They thought I was lying. Hey, dumb-ass anon, if you don't like what I post on my blog, tough shit. Grow the fuck up and get over it. LOL Better yet, don't even come here. Dumb-ass.

      I also like the manner in which they trivialize their bullying attacks. "Hey, Carroll, we attacked you, get over it. Stop defending yourself because you're making us look bad here. Why won't you be the one to grow up and stop defending yourself instead of us bullies growing the fuck up and stop bullying."

      Dumb-asses. LOL I just love it when someone starts a war and when they start getting their asses kicked, they want to surrender on their terms. Haha. It don't work that way! LOL You will surrender on my terms or pick your damn lies back up off the ground and continue firing them at me. Because it ain't over until it's over and it'll be over when you remove your bully garbage. Those are my terms.

      If you bullies are allowed to say whatever you want to say then by God, so am I. So stop your blood-clot crying.

  6. We're back to the comment thing again or is that you picking a fight with yourself carz? lol Watch it buddy, they might write another post about it on their hate blogs.

    "you write comments to yourself", "No I don't shut up." "No you shut up."

    When kids tell others to grow up, it's just too funny.

    1. It is Chuck. I agree.

      Hey everyone, I'm with some friends and we're getting ready to go celebrate my birthday over at Roosters and they are leaving comments for the bullies and otherwise being comedians. LOL Most of their comments have been or will have to be deleted due to extreme vulgarity. LOL My birthday is actually Monday but we're celebrating it today. LOL

      I just found out that they are going to have a newspaper reporter meeting us at Roosters to do an interview with me (their gift to me) and my friends want me to trash the bullies in the interview. LOL This is going to be an interesting day.

  7. It's obvious they don't like you standing up to them dude so I say keep doing it. Give them a taste of their own medicine. They're nothing but internet punks. I've seen the stupid shit they say about you. They don't even know you. They're only taking the word of some psychopathic Mexican chick. She's not even all that to begin with.

    Does it look like you wrote it? Stop making comments to yourself dude. Happy birthday. How does it feel to be 60? Go have unprotected sex with yourself. I'm bored now. Going to go look at some porn.

    1. Very funny Joe. At least you kept it clean this time. LOL


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