
Friday, September 27, 2013

Coming Attractions For October 2013

Oh, the turning of the leaves this time of year here in Ohio. I simply love it! We got Halloween coming up, which is the celebration of people wearing costumes and masks. Speaking of which, (or witch) LOL I get to uncover some poser's of my own, thanks to law enforcement. You can read all about it below. (And when the posts come out)

We're living on the edge!

Meanwhile, it's in the studio I go to record more songs and going to birthday parties. It all seems like fun games until you realize you don't get to sleep as much, and you gain fifty pounds from all the cake and freaking ice cream you stuff in your face.

So check out the posts I have planned for October, but beware! The monsters are not always the ones you see at your friendly neighborhood Halloween party. Many of them reside right here on the internet and on Goodreads/Amazon Forums.

Some of them, you wouldn't even suspect they were monsters.

Also, enjoy the symbolic video, as always.


October 1st, 2013 - "The Bully Investigation"


I finally get to the bottom of the emails mysteries. (Thanks law enforcement) And you won't believe who was behind them. Then again, maybe you would. Of course, I knew it all along. But it is a good feeling to know that your suspicions are now supported by the truth. Shame on you ladies who participated for so long in stalking and harassing me. Shame indeed! It's about time I pull off your masks and reveal your true identities.

Turns out, somebody was watching me.


October 6th, 2013 - "AnnaLund Status Whine"


The bullies and their butt-hurt. I swear, will it ever end?


October 8th, 2013 - "Janis Hinkle: Teacher: Daly City, California"


We've already heard about her, but this is a reminder that monsters hide in the most unlikely places in our society. 


October 10th, 2013 - "Goodreads Founder Otis Chandler Lies"


A very interesting video.


October 13th, 2013 - "The Attack on Judyann McCole"


So, these attacks by the bullies are all about authors complaining about reviews? I think not. And this post, like so many others, proves it once again. You would think the Goodreads bullies would just come out and admit that it's not always about the reviews. Oh wait, they already have. 

Then why don't they quit their boo-hoo crying?


October 16th, 2013 - "Authors Against Abuse"


A place for those who have been victimized by the Amazon / Goodreads bullies.


October 19th, 2013 - "Cows Full of Ink"


A look inside the bully forum on Amazon Kindle Forum Boards.


October 22nd, 2013 - "Michael Hastings: Accident Or Murder?"


A video about the suspicious death of reporter / journalist Michael Hastings


October 30th, 2013 - "Goodreads Family Portrait"


The faces behind an evil empire.


"Living On The Edge" - Aerosmith

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