
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Carroll Bryant Versus Goodreads

In recent weeks, I have reconnected with a long time friend. A friend that is well connected in my hometown of Chillicothe, Ohio with the local paper, television stations, radio stations and litigation / activist lawyers.

My friend has a long history of activism work, and we will be discussing in early 2014 about forming a non-profit organization which its purpose will be to combat cyber bullying, primarily focusing on the Goodreads bullies and the website of Goodreads itself.

My plan will be to hold fund raisers throughout the year of 2014 to finance local television commercials (to start) and buy radio, and newspapers ads aimed at the criminal activity taking place on Goodreads.

The idea is to bring more attention to the problems that exist on that website, and to do it outside the realm of the internet as that process has gone about as far as it can go. To get local interviews (to start) on television news stations, radio and newspapers throughout the great state of Ohio, and let it spread from there.

The commercials will talk about Goodreads and their refusal to enforce their ToS, and to allow cyber bullying to take place against authors, and other members of their website. To also bring attention to their sexually explicit role plays and the fact that they allow minors and adults to interact within these role plays, placing children at great risk in the hands of online pedophiles. To bring more attention to their fraudulent API, and their copyright infringement activities.

These commercials will air as Public Service Announcements and warnings to all authors and other potential new members about the criminal activity taking place on Goodreads.

My friend is going to "walk" me through this each step of the way. Other funds will come straight from my own pocket. Most of that money will come from a new project that I will be working on beginning in mid January, which I plan to announce as soon as the deal is signed. The payment I will receive from this project will be more than enough to get the ball rolling, and start this non-profit organization. (name of organization to be announced at a later date)

There will be a lot going on in the early part of 2014 for me, and so I ask all you authors out there to please hang tough until I can launch this project. Once everything is in place, I will be revealing everything right here on The Looking Glass. So keep checking in for it.

Once all the wrinkles get ironed out, I may contact a few of you to ask for your assistance in performing various tasks if you're willing. You may contact me if you think you might be interested. Some of what I might need or request is evidence of your attacks that I can use in our commercials. For some, I may ask if you would like to open up a chapter, of the non-profit organization that I start, in your area, with all funding provided by me. Other tasks may include research.

Once this organization takes shape, I will be looking into putting together a website for it for everyone who wishes to join forces in an attempt to once and for all, hold Goodreads accountable for their refusal to address the crimes mentioned above that is taking place on their website. Other monies will go towards a class action lawsuit that I will also be looking into in which I will file against Amazon / Goodreads website.

I will also attempt to get an appointment with the Ohio District Attorney to discuss the matters of these criminal activities that Amazon / Goodreads allows to take place on their website against authors.

With the help of my friend, who has a great deal of experience in this type of thing, I feel confident that real change will start to take place some time in 2014. So hang in there guys, Carroll Bryant is going all activist in 2014.

This will also coincide with the release of my book, "Goodreads: Meet Your Next Stalker". 

For as long as Amazon / Goodreads refuses to address the situation where these cyber bullies are concerned, and continue to refuse to ban the people doing the bullying, I will be working hard in the upcoming new year to make sure they are held responsible for any and all damages to book sales and careers. 

I shall keep you all informed as best as I can. Thank you. 

I'm Carroll Bryant .... and wait until they get a load of me. 

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