
Saturday, February 21, 2015

When Anne Rice Attacks

In the short history of my standing up to bullies, not once have I ever entered into "their" space and ruffle up feathers unless it was a case of the bullies talking about me. If they started spreading their lies and their crap about me, I would show up to defend, prove they were wrong, or demand they show proof which never ever came. But still, I never just showed up in their space and start poking and prodding just to get a rise out of them. It never made sense to do that because why stir up a hornets nest, right? And besides, I always took that as a bully type move. I say, if they aint talking about you anymore, leave well enough alone.

Enter Anne Rice. 

It's no secret that she supports the bully site "STGRB". The site that used to help bully victims but now only helps those who have something to offer them. They now, themselves, attack, stalk, and bully anyone and everyone who dares question anything they say or do. STGRB has - for a little over a year now - become what they once despised. (Bullies) 

To me, a bully is someone who initiates trouble where trouble isn't happening. To me, a bully is someone who goes where they are not welcomed nor belong and starts trouble where trouble isn't happening. However, washed up has-been author, Anne Rice, has now become an official STGRB staff member, or at least acting like one anyway. She went into a forum on Amazon where she isn't the least bit welcomed nor liked and she went there UNPROVOKED! Just to stir up trouble with those she calls "bullies". Yes, you read correctly, Anne Rice bullied the bullies. Check it out. 

Just like her friends at STGRB, she has now gone on the offensive to do what she claims she is trying to stop on Amazon, bullying. 

Anyone who knows me knows that I am against this type of behavior. I don't condone just popping in where you know you're not welcomed and just start trouble for no good reason. It's okay to go there to defend yourself if you like, or use your social media accounts to defend yourself but I do not approve of going into other people's spaces just to start trouble. That does not set a good example. And at her elderly age, Anne Rice should know better. 

These next screenshots shows how unwelcome she is. 

And then Anne Rice pops back in again to continue her harassment. 

Rick Carufel then speaks out. 

You see, this is not an Anne Rice group, crowd or place to be. She is not welcomed there yet she just pops in to let everyone whom she does not like and does not like her that STGRB has posted new lies ... I mean articles on their hate site. Clearly, this is proof that Anne Rice, acting on behalf of STGRB, is stalking, harassing and stirring up trouble where she needn't be nor belongs with people of whom none of them care for her or her presence. My question is this, can't Anne Rice just say what she has to say on her own social media outlets? Does she have to go to boards and forums where her enemies are and simply post for the sake of stirring up trouble? If I were to give washed up author Anne Rice any advice it would be, stay on your own side of the fence and stop bullying the bullies. There is no point in it. You don't know what you're talking about to begin with, you don't do any kind of research as you claim and you know not much of what you speak about. You are against 1 and 2 star reviews, period, and nothing else. You don't care about victims of bullying nor does STGRB and Melissa, I mean, Athena. I guess what I'm trying to say Annie, is stop being a bully and a stalker. Go write another book or something. Get back on your meds. Anything! But just shut the fuck up about bullies and bullying because you don't know shit about it. 

And that's just the cold plain truth of it all.

But since we are on the subject of Anne Rice and STGRB, does anybody know of, or is anyone aware of any credentials that "Athena Parker" may have that qualifies her to "give advice" about how to deal with bullies? I mean, seriously, her hate site is plastered with all kinds of crap that tries to explain how others should deal with bullies but I'm just trying to figure out if she has any kind of doctorate or PHD or anything that would give her any credibility in the area of bullying. It was just a thought, that's all. And I notice she still advertises real anti-bully sites but to date, none of them will endorse STGRB as an anti-bully site. I actually find that quite amusing. 



  1. Rice is doing this for attention to promote some FSOG copy cat smut coming out in April.
    She starts this shit every time she has some book coming out, desperate for sales.
    She just hasn't been right since the numbers came out to show after 50 years of writing she is worth $50m but Stephanie Meyer has earned $120m on twilight in just a few years. Up until that time she was the undisputed Queen of the vampire writers but suddenly got kicked to the curb by Meyer. I wish Stephanie, a fellow Minnesotan who still hangs out in a coffee shop a few miles from here, the best of luck. I may go see if I can get her thoughts on Anne's cyber-stalking, and ask if she thinks her success may be a contributing factor Rice's behavior.

  2. It sounds like you are implying that Anne Rice is trying to sponge some attention from STGRB people and followers. That would be hilarious because every credible news outlet has forgotten STGRB.

    But I do agree with you in that she might be desperate for sales. I mean, she ha sbeen on this anti-bullying crusade for a year now and while everyone has been proclaiming her the great Anne Rice (myself included in the beginning) I still have yet to see any major news outlet waste a single minute talking about it. Nothing. Nada. Which makes me wonder just how great she may or may not be. I know if Stephen King got into it, there would be several mentions on several networks and credible websites / news-sites.

    Then again, this may also be because no credible news organization wants anything to do with STGRB. Not while it is being run the way it is and by anons and sock puppets. For a little over a year now, STGRB pissed away any and all of their credibility - when they sold out to Goodreads.

    1. Rice is only hurting herself. Every day on Amazon and FB I see people saying the will never buy her books again because of her support for STGRB. I really don't think she realizes she is committing professional suicide by associating with STGRB. She doesn't see how terribly bad STGRB's reputation really is.

  3. can u see the new stgrb articles? i cant .......

    1. I don't know, I haven't been to that site for a very long time. They blocked me at one time but I could still see them thanks to my other computers and and such. I also have some people who send me SS's. But yeah, it has been months since I last went to STGRB. I have no desire to read anymore of their lies. And let's face it, you really can't tell much what is the truth with them and what is a lie. They have lost any and all credibility with legitimate news websites as more time passed and continues to pass.

  4. To LH

    Appreciate the comment, but I refuse to advertise your blog(s). I also agree that it is karma. Everything we do results in our karma. Even for you and I.

  5. I just wanted to let you all know that I just deleted a comment that was attacking someone else. If you're going to come on here and attack someone then you best do it under your real name and not as an "anon". I will not allow the comment to appear. The lone exception is if you attack me, I will post it, anon or otherwise. But I will not allow anons to come on here and attack others who comment. So if you wanna get nasty, do so under your real identity otherwise, it will not get published.


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