
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Carroll Bryant (NEW) quote for June, 2015


  1. are you still going to support rick after what he did? stgrb covered it he got banned from twitter for his participation in creating fake twitter accounts including a fake anne rice account.

    1. Sorry so late responding. I had to go read Rick's newest post to figure out what you were asking. I don't read STGRB anymore because I know firsthand that they lie. Once I know you are a bold face / bully liar, the harder it is to earn back my trust and respect. Besides, I do not support websites that are operated by sock puppets and anons. Nor do I endorse websites that promote themselves as anit-bully yet they are not endorsed by any other legitimate anti-bully site. Plus, they are themselves in fact a bully site. That lies. So ....

      Anyhow, Rick is his own man. He makes his own decisions. It boggles my mind how some of you think he and I are joined at the hip. I haven't heard from since my mother almost died a few weeks ago and he wished her well and sent her a prayer.

      But after reading his post, I am satisfied with what he has posted. As his friend I always wish him the best and hope his "new" friends do not lead him down a destructive path. (Obviously, I am not oblivious to the fact that he is friends with the GR bullies.) Then again, I do not blame him because the "so-called" good guys (the other bullies) of STGRB and their bully supporters rejected him and pretty much shit on him so if he teams up with the worst bullies in an effort to strike back at the bullies of STGRB then more power to him. I hope he extracts his personal justice with his pending lawsuit and I will continue to assist in anyway I can that doesn't violate my personal behavior code(s).

      I'll be as good as a friend as I can be under the circumstances, but if you think I oppose him trying to strike back at that "hate site", well, I don't oppose. I understand his passion. I hope his lawsuit goes through and I hope he reaps a ton of $$$$$$$ in the process.

      You can quote me on that.


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