
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Amazon Goodreads Bullies Gone Too Far

I just received this screenshot of the bullies now debating if they should go after Rick Carufel and try and somehow get his SSI Disability cut off. Now, first of all, I don't think that will ever happen, and secondly, what normal person would even think about that? How is this not stalking? Harassing? What the hell does this have to do with anything? Now can you see what Mr. Carufel has been going through with these people?


  1. They think it's a big joke when I tell them is all fun and games till the DHS smashes in the door and hauls mommy off for cyber-terrorism but clearly they have no intention of stopping until that happens.

  2. If the elderly and disabled are fair game for these people, who's next, Teens, Preteens, Infants? At what point do these people leave others alone?

    1. You never know. As for young teens, they already attack them too. STGRB did an article about it. I think the bully name is Adam Ping? Or Archer Ping or something like that.

  3. This is awful, truly awful. I was also targeted on GR just for being a facebook friend of Rick's. Which I still am by the way! I have stayed off the sight ever since. My problem is my publisher is in control of my books on there leaving me with no say on deletion. But I decide whether to be in groups or run a blog. I do nada. How far will this go? It's frightening.

    1. That's the point, you don't have to do anything to get targeted by these people. Just friend the wrong person and BABAM! They attack you.

      Now you know why I like being Indie.


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