
Friday, August 30, 2013

"Mystery And Crime Thrillers" Update

So it appears that "Mystery And Crime Thrillers" have taken their book group to Facebook. A place where the Goodreads bullies can not get to them. Obviously, Patrick Brown is helpless to help the bullies with their agenda on Facebook. Hopefully, they will find peace there after they were invaded and attacked by Patrick Brown's thugs.

Jenni did post a message to her members on Facebook and the following is what she wrote: 

" Hi all. Goodreads bullies have started stalking and harassing me. They are taking it out on Jac just because he happened to be the only writer on the moderators list and he is a friend. More than half the bullies are GR librarians. 

Goodreads is helping them because half the bullies are librarian friends and because the news reports I put on the bullying thread showing the truth about Lauren Pippa being bullying is damaging to Goodreads. They are afraid that Readers and publishing professionals on the site knowing about these articles will lose them customers and advertising. They were particularly angry with me about putting up a news report with the evidence screen shots bullying Lauren Pippa, and about the sexual roleplay sites between adults and children on goodreads on that bullying thread.

Jack is the next Lauren Pippa. The bullies are making up a lot of lies about us to cover up the truth in the news reports and to harass. It is not really worth it for me. And I can't just shut up about reports like sexual roleplay with children, and evidence screenshots of GR librarians bullying sweet young girls. If I am there I WILL post them for the members. Our members need to know about the reports to protect themselves and their families. The only way that I can stop posting the news reports is for me to not be there. If I am not there my friends don't want to be either.

They are making up a lot of lies to distract everybody from the news reports of sexual roleplay and Lauren Pippa bullying. Don't believe it.

I started the reading club because electronics is a male dominated field and I loved the girls I met there. I never meet a like minded female friend at work. It took a lot of time, all my free time in fact- 17-20 hours a week- to keep it up. it took money too. The club will die without me. I loved it. I miss the girls terribly. I'm gonna now develop my real life reading group at the local library - potlucks, chocolates, and wine. :^) We already have 7 members, but I have interest from friends I have contacted to take that up to 19 this coming weekend. What fun! :^)"

- Jenni

Everyone here at The Looking Glass, and I'm sure STGRB, wishes you all the best, Jenni. Best of luck to your new FB group, your Library Reading Club, and to all your future endeavors. I'm really sorry that your group got side-swiped like that by the bullies. You and your members didn't deserve the treatment you got from the bullies and from Patrick Brown, Kara Erickson and Emily Finley. What's worse, to know that this same thing could very well happen again to another unsuspecting author, Goodreads member, and GR book group like "Mystery and Crime Thrillers".

Take care.

I'm Carroll Bryant .... and this is The Looking Glass.  

Things We Learned Today:

* The Goodreads victims list just keeps on growing 


  1. I realize that Patrick's job is to make sure his current members don't find out the truth about what is going on at GR with the bullying, sexual role plays between minors and adults, and everything else, he's just doing his job, but wouldn't his job be a lot easier if he would get rid of the bullies, and made sure that minors and adults didn't role play sexually in the first place?

    1. Good point.

      It's easier to prevent scandals than it is to cover them up.

  2. With any luck the trolls will take a break for a while. They've caused enough damage for one month.

    1. Apparently not. Kobo just cut the review feed from badreads so the trolls have caused real monetary damages in the millions to badreads/Amazon. This could be the kick in the ass Amazon needed to address the troll problem. As I've stated before trolls cause the closure of any forums they are allowed to infest and for all the bells and whistles on badreads it's still just a forum. So far this week alone the troll infestation has cost them several thousand active members and millions in revenue. Brown and the rest of the badreads are gonna be hard pressed to come up with a reason to keep their pet trolls around now aren't they?

    2. Rick, I think it's more probable that Kobo cut the review feed because Amazon is direct competition for them, and by paying for the goodreads review support they're giving money to their competitor


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