
Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Anne Rice Whine Campaign

Moments ago, before this writing, I signed into my Facebook account when once I did, an Anne Rice Facebook feed appeared before my eyes. I don't know why it did, I never subscribed to anything Anne Rice, but none the less, it did. She posted a link to a video of her talking about STGRB I suppose. I didn't watch it. I just read the description, but in the description, she praises STGRB.

I took it upon myself to comment since it was allowing me to  comment. And this is what occurred.

I admit, I tore into her just a bit. I laid down some heavy truth for her, not that it was going to make a difference, I know better than that, but the truth needed to be said.

Anyhow, I did get one response. It was from some sadly misled girl named Carrie F. Shepherd. Check it out.

She says that I am the root of bullying. 


I'm the root of bullying.


I was a victim of the bulllying that Anne Rice claims to be fighting for.


I'm the root of bullying. 

Me. A victim of bullying.

Anyhow, I decided to respond but it didn't quite go very well. 


Yes, I got banned from responding. And I wasn't cussing or anything. I got banned from further responses because Anne Rice is a bully who doesn't want a healthy debate of the facts because she knows she will lose the debate. She knows that I, Carroll Bryant, would humiliate her and STGRB in any debate regarding bullying. The truth is what I said to her post, that Anne Rice doesn't know what bullying is. I do. I was a victim of it on Goodreads. It was my attack that put STGRB on the map. Before they covered my attack, they were just mostly known by the bullies themselves. But when I got attacked, it went viral. When STGRB covered the attack, they went viral with me. This is the truth and everyone knows it. This is when people really started paying attention to STGRB. They were only a few weeks old when they covered my attack. But then they turned around and made a backdoor deal with Goodreads and Patrick Brown (allegedly) and then they turned on me shortly there-after. 

That's a sum up of the facts as they stand. And everybody who was there in the beginning knows this. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. 

Anyhow, here is my response to the utterly misled Carrie F. Shepherd.

It would seem that Anne Rice doesn't want the truth to get out, but here's the thing, it is getting out. I'm just basing that on the amount page views I am still receiving here on The Glass. Meanwhile, Anne Rice continues her "Whine Campaign" in true bully fashion. (I say she is a bully because of her behavior. She invades personal spaces and that is not cool.) And I have been fighting the bullies a whole lot longer than she has. And nobody has been attacked by the bullies like I was. And Goodreads has practically rewritten their entire ToS because of the attack on me and because of my article GOODREADS OR GOOD PEDOPHILIA

All Anne Rice wants is to change the rules of rating and reviewing. She wants to change the system so she can game the system. 

On the bright side, I doubt I'll get her news feed on my Facebook page again. lol 

Hey, Anne Rice, keep your shit off my junk.  *George Carlin*

Okay, that sounded quite gutter. O_o 

Shit off my junk? C'mon Carroll, you can do better than that.


  1. Anything said about STGRB on Rices's Facebook page gets you blocked. She harshly censors the posts to only those that agree with her. This is yet another example of her using terrorist tactics, targeting members of the Amazon Forums to her million fans.
    This poses a real physical threat to people who use their real names in those forum's. Any day I expect to get a knock on the door and there will be some deranged fan wearing plastic Halloween teeth. She is creating a real physical threat and this amounts to cyber-terrorism. I suggest everyone report her for targeting people with her fans through Facebook and get her banned.

    1. Let's hope that something is done about her. She has gone off the rails. I also never trust anyone who isn't at least willing to listen to another side. But I have said this before and I'll say it again, Anne Rice is a liar because she has not looked into this issue or the new behaviorism of STGRB and Melissa Parker or investigated any of the facts as she claims she has. She is not knowledgeable of the truth.

      Another thing I have always said is; No major news organization will cover her so called crusade due to the fact that she supports a website that is run by a sock puppet, engages in bully-like behavior and tactics, and is not endorsed by any other major anti-bully website. But mostly, it's the anonymous ways of Melissa Parker that now hurts their reputation and image the most. She could be anyone in the world, including being someone with a long criminal history. You never know. This could be why she hides in anonymity.

      Nice to hear from you old friend.

  2. It is nice to see the bullies still living their life on the internet all day long though. (As well as their love for me.) lol

    I especially like Pete Moron's comment the most. ("OMG, 3 years later and he's still whining? (And who posts a blog to mention his $@E^%$ page views?) It all screams "I AM RELEVANT!" Uh, no.")


    It's always the same old stupid with them. lol I swear, if all of their brains put together equaled a half brain I would be shocked .... and somewhat impressed, I must say.

    Check out their shenanigans here:

  3. i dont know why the trolls and anne rice are not friends they seem to be cut from the same cloth.

    1. This is true but, don't forget Melissa Parker & STGRB. They all lie. They all go into other people's spaces just for the sake of starting trouble (a bully tactic) and they are mostly anonymous folks hiding behind sock puppets, and they make some very interesting claims against me but, they never present any evidence to back up their barking.

      Meanwhile, in the absence of evidence, they all act like 8 year olds and call me a big poopy-head. lol It's really their only option, that or they just admit I am right. They even make outlandish claims I have so many sock puppets myself but they never offer proof of it or anything, so, instead, they call me names. lol

      Pete Moron is supposed to be a lawyer and yet, I think he got his degree in some small Mexico town in one of those 50 dollars, 3 hours school - online deals or something because he and his bully friends make a lot of claims that I did this and I did that but no one ever comes forward with evidence. As a lawyer, how can you think someone is a criminal if there are no victims of the crime? They claim I used a picture of a model to pick up on young girls yet, no young girl has ever come forward with screenshots of our emails or anything that support their claim. How ironic? Where are these "victims" at? Who are they? You see, no victims and yet, they claim a crime. Either I am smarter than all of them put together because they can't "catch" me doing something or ..... I'm just simply not doing anything bad. Seeing how the lack of evidence is so overwhelming, one could only surmise that I am not doing anything wrong.

      Thanks for the comment. Sorry for the sudden soliloquy.

  4. Why did you post your stats?

    1. To rub it in the faces of the bullies. Are you surprised I am so bluntly honest about it? But that is the reason. Hey, I know the bullies still come here to this blog. They're still checking me out. And here is another bit of truth; Pete Moron is right, I did post it to pound my chest like Tarzan and say, "Look at me! I'm relevant!"

      Here's the thing; It's true. And everyone knows it, including the bullies. It pisses them off to know the truth and that there are more people out there more interested in reading what I have to say than what are interested in reading anything they have to say. This makes their skin crawl.

      Look at it like this; Anne Rice and STGRB have to invade the bullies spaces with comments and links to get them going. I don't have to do that. All I have to do is post my stats on my blog and the bullies, well, they come to me and then go back to their spaces to talk about it and call me a poopy-head. lol I am like a god to them. A god they love to hate. lol

      Who is bad ass now?

      Here is how it went; The bullies made me, I made STGRB, and STGRB made everything a mess. Anne Rice just wanted attention.

      Everybody knows this is the truth. So yes, I give credit to the bullies for making me. It's the truth. They're just pissed off because I took advantage of it. I took their bullshit and turned it into something positive. I stood up to them and survived. I'm still here. Not running. Not hiding. I'm still doing my thing. They haven't hurt me in the least because they can't. They haven't that kind of power. They just create their stupid forums to try and determine which one of them is the most stupid bully of all. What they don't realize is, it's a tie! lol

      And now, not only am I basically still up against the bullies, but now I am up against Anne Rice, Melissa Parker and STGRB.

      Now admit it ..... that's bad ass. lol

  5. I followed that link you left and I saw where they admit to stalking you on your fb page. I find that really creepy.

    1. Good morning and thanks for the comment.

      Yes, yes, I saw that too! Very creepy indeed. Three years and the bullies still stalk my blogs and social media. I have no idea what it is they are hoping to find. It is nice to know that after all this time, I'm still living rent free inside their heads. Not that it's as glamorous as it sounds. There's cockroaches in there, and rats, spider webs in the corner, absolutely no view to speak of, and I think they have a lot of bulls too because there's a tremendous amount of shit all over the place. Not that I can smell it much due to the horrible stench of failure. lol But yeah, that's about it inside their heads. Still, it's rent free so, you get what you pay for I reckon. Hahahahaha

      But hey, can we really blame them though for their unhealthy fixation of me? I mean, seriously, I'm a really cool guy. I have this theory that most of the bullies want to be my friend. I blame my charisma. I heard John Green got a dog and he named it Carz. When John is on the computer looking at porn naked, the dog sits on his lap. Or so I am to believe. lol He just strokes the dogs hair and says, "Do you like that Carz? Do you? Daddy wants to give you a treat."

      Oh yes, very creepy .... indeed.

  6. I don't think they were looking at your page carroll. It looks like they are talking about somebody else.

    1. I went back to check.

      It's really hard to tell sometimes. These days, they talk in code. They do this because too often in the past their lies would come back around and bite them in the ass. I guess they figure they can wiggle out of their lies now by keeping everything muddled. But it doesn't matter if they're talking about my page or somebody else. They are bullies. They believe they have the right to review authors inside of fake book reviews and authors have to accept it and grow thick skin, meanwhile, they don't think authors have the same freedom of speech as they do and they show off their thin skin when an author (or real reviewer) "reviews" them and their reviews.

      In other words, the bullies are hypocrites.

      These bullies are not reviewers as they claim to be. They believe it's their right to criticize you but you cannot criticize them. I say, bullshit! You leave a review in "my GR space" then I have a right to challenge the legitimacy of your review, period! End of story. And if you can't deal with it then grow thicker skin. But here's the thing, I have never criticized a legitimate review of my book(s) - only fake ones. But they will tell you different because, and drum roll please, they are not reviewers, they are liars and bullies.

      Ha! I went on another roll again, didn't I? .... Oh well. Anyhow, I don't care who they were talking about, they're still idiot bullies tossing each others salad. Any time you stand up to them is a good time.

  7. how did you know that discussion board was there if you weren't stalking them?

    1. It's called a URL list that appears on my blog stats. It tells me where people are coming from to look at my blog. In this case, I saw two links that appeared on my URL list from Amazon, and when I clicked them, it took me to their discussion group.

      In other words, they were stalking my blog and someone left a link, in that group, of my blog. That is how I found their little group. They linked to me.

      Feel free to ask me anything you like. The answers will always be the same in that they - the bullies - still stalk me. I remain a topic of discussion for them.

  8. Don't get me wrong. I will never be a fan of John Green, Your blog post about him defines him perfectly, that undercurrent pathetic need to be a part of the others. But do you think its fair to imply, with his dog in his lap while looking at porn, he is into bestiality? If that was NOT your intent it DOES come across that way. Care to comment?

    1. My comment about him was meant as comedy. The same kind of insulting comedy the bullies use to talk about me. If John Green or anyone else can't handle it, then I suggest the bullies take from their own advice, and grow some thick skin. lol

      But who can say that he is NOT into bestiality? Anything is possible. I assure you, he has said worst things about me. He has called me a pedophile without any proof.

      P.S. - I'm not too concerned how anything "comes across". People will always interpret things the way they want to.

  9. For an interesting and funny read, here is a link to a discussion forum where Anne Rice and the bullies are squaring off. (I also found out who Paro is. Kind of.)

    Anyhow, I would laugh my ass off if Amazon just went in there and banned every last one of them in one big swoop. Anne Rice included! lol That would be hilarious.

  10. If the Amazon bullies would have stayed away from that thread Paro would have sounded hollow in his OP. But they could not resist the thread and proved his point. But that does not mean Paro is a hero. He can make RC look like Mr. Rogers. I think that thread will be taken down too but I doubt if anyone will be banned.

    1. The bullies cannot stay from pro-STGRB threads anymore than Anne Rice can stay away from the bullies anti-STGRB threads. lol They are peas in the same pod.

      But I will say this, Anne Rice mentioned something about fairness, and that the bullies don't show any. Well, neither does Anne Rice. She no more gives fairness to anyone either. A bit hypocritical if you ask me. Some of what she accuses the bullies of doing, she herself practices. She really needs to look into a, dare I say, Looking Glass? lol That's what I'm here for.

  11. Your visit to AR's FB was a mistake. You came across like a nut job bully although that was not your intent. It made me cringe reading about it. Unlike some who laugh at your page views, ( maybe they are jealous?) I applaud you.

    1. I did not visit Anne Rice's Facebook page, it appeared on my home page as a news feed. It never showed up on my home page before nor has it since.

      As for how I came off, I disagree with your opinion. I wrote the truth. Not the truth as I see it, but the truth as the evidence presents itself. I do my best to look at the truth and to accept it for what it is and not to try and dilute it with emotions. It's difficult to do but it is possible. There is right and there is wrong and there is ego. I do know the difference of each. I recognize all three very well.

  12. I was going to throw in my two cents and tell you to read the blog 38 Caliber Reviews in order to know more about Paro and his fight with MB. Then I noticed you have a link to it. I read the first paragraph to the blog post you wrote that said MB is AK who is JH. Everyone knows AK is JH but how do you know MB is JH? Anyway, MB wrote a few in depth posts about Paro you might find interesting.

    1. I have no idea who MB, AK or JH are. Therefor, I cannot answer your question.

    2. Okay, I figured it out. (I don't like doing initials) I knew AK but had two options for JH and had to research to make sure who MB was as I had a couple other options there too.

      To answer your question, I can't reveal my sources. I have a few a rats inside the house of bully. I mean to keep it that way.

  13. I can understand your focus on STGRB given the history between you and the site but STGRB has done something that you should do. They made a statement to beware of you then moved on. You are never mentioned. Over a year later you are still very angry and can't seem to let go. Truthfully, I believe next year you will be just as mad. I do not have no more insight of STGRB than I do of you. What I am going by is one thing, who has moved on. You've had enough experience to write a book about bullies. Why don't you?

    1. I don't know why anyone would beware of me, I haven't done anything to anyone. Still, I am not angry or mad at STGRB, I am grateful. I knew they could turn on me when they turned on Rick Carufel. And if I still talk about them it's because they are bullies too. I just don't want people to forget that.

      It's also because when you talk about Anne Rice, you pretty much have to mention her connection to that bully website. So, you know, it's kind of a necessary evil to mention them really.

      Where am I going to find the time to work on another book? I am currently writing a biography for a world renowned artist, plus working on a sci-fi of my own, plus I actually just got back from the studio where I got two songs going. I am also in the middle of a promotional campaign with my giving away magnets and mini posters of my book covers. Not to mention, I am still only about 7 months removed from my heart attack. (Still having to deal with that.) There is a lot going on right now for me.

      The bully book will come. All things in time. Timing is everything.

  14. I do not know if they turned on Rick inasmuch Rick does not play well with others. You HAD to go because you wanted to keep Rick as a friend and remain standing with STGRB. Some three-ways are not healthy. You chose your friend and that's worthy but Rick then befriends the bullies who laughed and talked about you, and
    still do as you pointed out. Seven months out from a life changing heart attack you attack Anne Rice who never did a thing to you. You do not want people to forget?
    Honestly, I do not believe anyone gives a damn because heart attack or not, life is too damn short.

    1. First, this will be the last time I post your comments as "anon". If you use your real internet identity then we can resume this debate or discussion after this.

      What I meant to say about them turning on Rick is, I expected more from Melissa Parker. No matter what Rick posted on his blog, STGRB should have shown more professionalism than they did. They should not engage in any type of "blog war" with anyone.

      Secondly, they brought up Rick's past and used that to hurt his image and possibly book sales. That is an act of bullyism IMO, and completely uncalled for.

      Also, I am happy that Rick has made friends from his enemies. I have said this before and I will say it again, making friends is always better than making enemies. If Rick and his enemies have sewed up their differences then that is fantastic IMO. If the bullies came crawling to me apologizing and begging for my forgiveness, and they backed up their apology with their actions, then I would probably forgive them. In fact, I have had a few who have contacted me privately and apologized. I accepted their apology and moved on. But they demonstrated fully that they were indeed sorry for their actions against me.

      As for Anne Rice, she did do something against me. She also did something against Rick. What she did is not for public knowledge. In the process, she supports a website that isn't what they claim to be, and what she thinks they are. I also do not approve of her going into bully places and picking fights. The whole purpose of me standing up to bullies is to inspire others to do the same. I am not trying to be somebody's hero, I want people to be their own hero. Anne and STGRB want to be people's hero. I also question Anne's intentions for standing up to the bullies.

      For as long as STGRB attacks people who were attacked by the bullies just because they do not "like" that person(s) for whatever reason, then STGRB is not an anti-bully site. I expect more professionalism from them. And for as long as Anne Rice supports that site, and speaks out about it, leading unsuspecting people to it, I will speak out against it and speak the truth. My readers expect that from me. Maybe not professionalism, but they do expect me to speak the truth no matter what.

      And just a little FYI here: "Life is never too short to do the right thing or fight for a just cause." - And you can quote me on that. I will also stand up to those who go around bullying others, and posting "author" reviews (personal attacks) in "book" reviews.

  15. Hey Carroll, why would an anon come here to beg you to stop writing about Athena and Anne? Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I hope you don't fall for this pathetic ploy.

    1. Q) "why would an anon come here to beg you to stop writing about Athena and Anne?"

      A) I've been asking myself the same question. Something is afoot.

      Q) "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

      A) I don't know, what are you thinking? Wait! Don't answer. If I'm thinking what you're thinking then we're both thinking the same thing. That's what I think.

      Q) "I hope you don't fall for this pathetic ploy."

      A) I might. Then again, I probably won't. But something is still afoot.

  16. I have known Carroll since he first appeared on the scene on goodreads. I saw his attack and cried for days about it. It was the most horrific thing i ever witnessed on the computer. Athena did take advantage of that and of carroll. She lost all credibility with me when she removed all the stories about his attack. It showed me she was capable of turning away from the truth. I don't trust people like that. Nothing made her look bad though like when she sent private email from carroll to her to everyone else. That's simply despicable. That's when i left her facebook group and stopped going to her website. That was a troll thing to do. She deserves all the negative press that carroll gives her and anne rice. I have seen athena lie, stab people in the back, and accuse innocent people of bullying just because she didn't like them. I have never seen any proof that carroll has done anything to anyone. This is why i support him and so do many others. When it comes to the truth i will follow carroll. When he's wrong he owns it. I have never seen athena or a bully ever do that.

    1. Nothing more I can add. Well said.

      And thank you. :)

  17. Reading these recent comments and having been there from the beginning, I think I figured it out Carroll.

    Athena had to break ties with you because she had to succumb to the pressure of her FB group. It was the group who wanted to distant themselves from Rick. When you failed to follow the group, you then became their next target. At the first possible chance, Athena had to turn on you. The group voted for it. You were betrayed by the group. This is why Mike Dismuke disappeared. He really likes you. He followed the group and afterwards, felt too bad about himself that he had to walk away from everything for the shame of his betrayal towards you. This is also why Anne Rice cut ties with her friendship with Rick and why she never established a friendship with you, because she too follows the group and Athena Parker. Do you know what this means? It means that you, Carroll, are more intelligently evolved than Athena Parker and Anne Rice and their followers. You think for yourself as an individual while they all follow each other like sheep. This can be seen in your comment where you said you try to inspire people to be their own hero where Athena and Anne want to be everyone's hero. This makes you the real hero because a real hero is someone who doesn't want to be the hero.

    To be a part of their group you have to think and act like each other. You have to believe the same as each other and you can't be friends with anyone the group disapproves of. This supports your theory though that when you become a part of a group or organization, you lose your individuality. This is why you can be more trusted to tell the truth, you're not influenced by a group. This also makes Athena, Anne and their followers a petty group of people. This is also another thing these people have in common with the trolls. They do the exact same thing and think as a group. Now I can understand more why you make those comparisons between them.

    I hope you continue being an individual. The world needs more people like you, Carroll. People who can think for themselves and not have to rely on a group of others to tell them what they should think and how they should feel. People like Athena, Anne and those who follow and support them, are nothing but sheep. They can't think for themselves. Don't stop being you. Keep thinking for yourself.

    1. You might be onto something there, friend. And yes, I intend to remain being who I am. I shall continue to think for myself. Thank you kindly for your analysis and for taking the time to write such an in depth comment. I truly appreciate it.


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