
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Goodreads Member Karl Jones Sentenced For Sex Crimes

In September of 2013, I posted an article ( Goodreads Pedo Alert: Karl Jones ) that warned about an active pedophile living in the UK lurking on Goodreads. He was also actively involved in sexual role-play groups on and interacting with minors. In fact, the very first story I posted here on "The Glass" was ( Goodreads: Or Good Pedophilia ) which covered the high volume of sexually charged role-play groups on Goodreads and the involvement of adults and minors within those groups.

Only later, and most recently, did I learn that this man, Karl Jones, who posed as an "author" was actually plagiarizing author Geraldine Evans. ( Karl Jones Plagiarizes )

Today, I would like to wrap up that story by announcing Karl Jones has been sentenced to 49 months for his sexual crimes of sexually assaulting a four year old girl and for having child porn images on his computer. ( Writer Jailed For Molesting Girl )

One can only wonder though how many other under-aged girls Karl Jones has interacted with on the Goodreads website. Perhaps we will never know that answer. More concerning is: How many other adult sexual predators are on Goodreads right this moment in a sexual role-play group and sexually role-playing with a minor? Perhaps we will never know the true answer to that one either.

When you have a website like Goodreads that caters to readers of all ages, and that site also allows highly charged sexual role-play groups to exist, it is only inevitable that these sexual predators will prey on the young within that website. My article regarding this issue clearly shows that not only could it happen, but it did hapen and is happening right this minute, even to this day.

It is up to the parents to monitor their children's activity on the internet, and their activity on This conviction of Karl Jones is proof positive that all of my warnings were nightmares that came true. And the final questions we (you) have to ask is: How many other "Karl Jones" are there on Goodreads preying on children, flying under the radar? And, is that child your child?

When the Pandora Box of sins is opened, this is exactly the kind of thing one can expect. It is up to you the people to make the difference and call for change. It is up to you to contact Goodreads and demand that all sexual role-play groups be banned - PERIOD! And to report this activity to authorities when you stumble across it.

As for Karl Jones, he will be in jail for the next four years. However, what happens when he is released? Will he return to Goodreads again to stalk under-aged girls once more? And if so, who will stop him? Goodreads? ..... I doubt that. They are too busy counting their money. And let's face it, Karl Jones will be released eventually, and he will attempt to join back up on Goodreads - and perhaps under a different name. He will join back up with them because he is a sexual predator. He knows there are minors on Goodreads. He knows there are sexual role-play groups on Goodreads. And he knows there are minors participating in these sexual role-play groups. He also knows that Goodreads is doing nothing to stop him. Only you the people can stop him.

I will do my best to keep you all informed and updated regarding Karl Jones and his release. But in the event it slips my grasp, perhaps preventive measures can be implemented. But if this is to occur, the only people who can ensure this is you, the Goodreads members.

I'm Carroll Bryant .... and this is The Looking Glass.


  1. Goodreads is a corrupt website that cares for nothing but the number.

    1. This is true. They present a false membership - how many accounts on there are "dead" accounts and haven't been accessed for years? Or sock puppet accounts?

      They send out fake and fraudulent ratings / reviews.

      They have an unknown number of "ghost" groups that do not show up on any internal search. (Many of which are sexual role-playing groups with adults and minors.

      They put children at risk to sexual predators.

      They ban authors yet continue to make money off of them by continuing to use their name, likeness, and their work.

      You know, just to name a few.

  2. Carroll, this is an astonishing blog you have published and I hope major media becomes aware of it. People owe you a greater acknowledgement of gratitude than you might ever receive. You are the one that brought this to the public's attention a while ago, sexual predators (on what most people would consider safe) a book reading site. You have saved children. God bless you!

    1. I'm speechless. Thank you. But I can only write about these things, the rest is up to everyone else to take action and demand change. To demand from Goodreads that their children are safe from online predators like Karl Jones. And this would mean that Goodreads has to ban all sexual role play groups. Nice clean role play groups are fine. But sexual role play groups have no business being on Goodreads.

      Thanks again for your beautiful words.

  3. When it came down to children even your foes, and bullies should have supported you. Carroll, as you were exposing a child molester on a book site, the bullies (even a school teacher of very young children in CA) spent their time attacking you instead. I believe you when you said he was not the only child molester on Good Reads because those kind of monsters cluster together. If Good Reads does not publicly announce, and quickly, what it will do about them, that means they will not do anything. Parents naturally feel a sense of safety that their children are on a book site. Most heroes never planned on being one. Carroll Bryant, you are a hero.

    1. Bullies are bullies, they will never change. One could have hoped that our differences could have been put aside for the online safety of the kids. That was wishful thinking on my part.

      I'm not sure about the hero part because it takes a village, and the whole village can be a hero if they do their part. Spreading the word so that others can be made aware is a real good place to start.

      While I don't have kids of my own, I do have nephews and nieces that I care deeply about and love more than anything. The last thing I want is for them (or any child) to fall victim of the Karl Jones of the world.

      As for that teacher, I know of whom you speak, and I'm just grateful that none of the kids in my family will have her teaching them as she teaches in California. However, I do feel sorry for the kids she does teach in her classes.

      Thank you very much.

  4. Oh My God and Jesus Christ I am so very grateful that children in my family are not exposed to having her as their teacher. Like many I too feel sorry for her students. If the parents only knew. The school cannot claim they are not aware when countless people have contacted them. It does take a village. People need to be contacting GRs, children advocate groups, telling others, the media. I went to the Telegraph media site that posted the news of this child molester to mention your article/blog/name in the comments but they do not have a space for comments on this subject. I can understand why. I'm going to check with GRs and see if they are posting this monster's books. If so that shit needs to be taken down. To ensure no child is ever lured into a role play with molesters ALL the roleplaying on GRs needs to stop!

    1. I appreciate your efforts to try and get the word out. One person can only do so much while 100 people can accomplish a lot more. Kudos for you.

      I agree with everything you say except for the role playing to be totally banned. I believe good clean role playing for young people can enhance their writing skills and imagination. For that reason, I don't mind role playing in general. As long as the violence is kept at a bare minimum and not too graphic and absolutely no sexual content beyond kissing, and hugging.

      If done properly, online relationships between adults and minors could be beneficial. Provided the adult acts like a responsible adult. Being an author of YA books on Goodreads, when I was a member, I had a group that had mostly young people in it. However, they were young friends that trusted me with some of their problems and I always tried to give the best advice possible and always kept things clean. I came to care a lot about their well-being. I never engaged in inappropriate talk or behavior with them. I never even did that with other adults. More importantly, I gave them an "ear" (so to speak) for them to just unload any frustrations and emotions. I think they appreciated that.

      I have always felt that it is my responsibility - as an adult - to take advantage of opportunities with young people to "teach" and lead by example. Being an author / songwriter, I place myself in a position of a certain amount of public notoriety or celebrity - no matter how big or small - and thus, place myself as somewhat of a role model, even though I believe all adults (responsible ones anyway) should consider themselves role models to the youth. And I take that responsibility serious.

      But clean, healthy role playing can be a good thing if done in proper context. And again, it's a great way for young writers to hone their craft in the field of writing. But I do see what you mean - predators could still take advantage of young teens in just about any role playing scenario. You make a good point, and give good food for thought.

      Thanks for commenting.

  5. I just heard about your blog piece. I read it, cried, then read it again and cried some more. You shined a light on a monster.

    1. This article is also a good opportunity for everyone who reads it to share it and spread the word - shinning a brighter light and informing more people in hopes that together, we can all combat this issue where Goodreads is concerned. Together, we can make GR a better and much safer place for the young members.

  6. Your blog shows the importance of bloggers. Great job!

  7. I have a 15yo daughter and after reading this I think it's time to go into her good reads account and see what shes up to. I will talk to my husband about possibly deleting her account. Thank you Mr. Bryant for writing about this. With the crack down on internet sexual predators I am quite surprised that the mainstream media isn't picking up this story about good reads. God bless you.

    1. Yes! Go into her account and see what she is doing. Every parent should be doing that. I doubt you need to delete her account though, just let her know what is going on and make sure she stays clear of the role play groups. If you do discover she is involved in any of them, do not delete it. Contact the authorities instead and take screenshots. That is the best course of action you could take.

      Good luck and best wishes.

  8. Carroll, I don't know what state you are in but I highly urge you to contact your local media and see if you can get someone to run with this story. As you say, it takes a village, so make the contact. Parents need to be made aware. Agencies that police the internet should acknowledged your contribution to children's welfare. I would also hope that STGRB would acknowledge what you did wrong, in their eyes, and what you have done here, exposing a child predator, is more than enough to remove that sidebar with your name attached. You rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. The only way media picks up a story from the internet is if it goes viral. As for the "sidebar" thing, I don't want it taken down. It hurts them more than it hurts me. Besides, that place is old news.

      Speaking of me rocking (haha) I have a new song just about ready to be posted on Youtube soon. Maybe by this Sunday night. (August 31) or shortly thereafter.

    2. What happened to STGRB? Please post when you upload to YouTube.

    3. I'm not completely sure what happened to STGRB ...... but I have a few theories.

      "Please post when you upload to YouTube" .... I will. After a few postponed trips to the studio, I think this Tuesday night will be the night we lay vocals down to my new song called, "Driving The Young Boys Insane". It's a bit of a rocker. Will also start work on a new one that night also with hopes of wrapping it up around October sometime. I didn't get to do as many songs as I wanted this year due to some unfortunate issues with my health. But after I get the next song done, "Someone Still Loves You", I am shutting down for the rest of the year to regroup.

  9. I am sorry to hear about your health. I hope you get better. Its important to surround yourself with people and things that are supportive. At all cost avoid chaos, negative people and energy. Health teaches us to cherish our time and to become guarded where we spend it. As far as STGRB, like others, have my theories too. I like the title of your song. Do you think country music is a lyrical form of story telling? I do. Stay focus and love your life. If you must shut down, do it but be careful not to isolate yourself. There is a difference.

    1. Thanks for your concern for my health, however, I think I better explain that it's nothing life threatening.

      I think all forms of music / songs are a form of story telling through lyrics. Or at least they can be. While story telling is important through music and song, I like to try and capture moments, feelings and moods.

      As for shutting down, I always do it around October or early November. This is the busiest time for holidays. (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years) Since my producer and singer are family men, I try not to take away from the joys of the holiday season. All focus should be on family and friends this time of year. I then return to the studio sometime in Feb. to begin work on more songs. Plus, I like to focus on my fantasy football teams too. lol And I always isolate myself somewhat during the winter. I do this by taking long walks in among the winter forest when it's the quietest and most peaceful to reflect and ponder future events. Collect my thoughts so to speak.


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