Remember back in July of 2012? I know it's been a while, but try. Remember when Amanda Welling wrote about me on her hippie blog? She wrote about me despite the fact that she didn't know me, and I had certainly never heard of her. Remember when she talked about my adult relationship with another adult that Amanda claimed was a minor? Yeah, that was a lie. Remember when she accused me of complaining about bad reviews? Yeah, that was a lie too. And can you remember me ignoring her? Yeah, I never responded to it.
Now let's look back at what happened next, remember/ Her and her husband began leaving nasty comments on my other blog. Even though, I still had yet to respond to her post about me and I still had no freaking idea who she was. Yet, her and her husband came to my blog and left comments on posts that had absolutely nothing to do with them. Remember that?
Then if you will recall, after months of doing that and still, I hadn't responded to, or acknowledged them, they took it upon themselves to start sending me unwanted emails? Remember that? Not just to my public Hotmail account, but they also sent me emails to my private personal Yahoo! account too. Remember that?
In case you have forgotten, please help yourself to clicking on the tags with her name on it. This also includes her sock puppet "GenX". Or you can type in her name on the blog search bar. You can read all about how she and her husband stalked me, harassed me, and bullied me for six months straight and through it all, I still didn't respond to them.
You would think they would have dropped it at some point, wouldn't you?
So from July 2012 and up to December 2012, this was their life. To poke and prod me over my relationship with another adult. I know what you're thinking, I thought it too. What business is it of theirs where my adult relationships are concerned? Like you, I still haven't an answer for that. Other than the fact that Amanda Welling and her husband Jon are sociopaths hellbent on trying to destroy the careers of people at random. That or maybe they just wanted the attention of someone famous, or someone they perceived as being famous. I really am not educated in the field of Amanda Welling and her husbands mental capacity.
And still, after six months, I ignored them. Then in January 2013, Amanda opened her new blog, GenXpose. She and her friends and her sock puppets began to come after me even harder. Her and her husband were leaving comments too. Finally! I gave them what they longed for. I gave them some attention. No sooner did I do that, they crawled into the fetal position in a corner of the internet and began their butt-whine hurt that I was "bullying" them for finally standing up to their senseless and needless attacks against me.
I presented evidence right here on this blog, which I created in response to the hate blog, GenXpose. I posted proof that Amanda wrote about me first. I showed proof that her and her husband left comments on my blog first and spanning over several months. I showed proof that they emailed me first. In essence, I presented facts showing that it was they, the husband and wife team, that stalked, harassed and bullied me to the point where I finally had enough and started addressing their attacks and their lies. Hell, shortly after this, Amanda herself confessed that these facts were true.
But then her and some other bullies made a desperate mistake. They brought the feds to my door over a post I wrote. The bully plan was to "shut me down" once and for all. That plan backfired right in their bully faces, didn't it? Instead, what ended up happening was, the feds got to see, from me, all the evidence of what has really been going on. And in that discovery, Amanda Welling and her husband really got noticed now.
So then finally, around last Spring, Amanda Welling and her husband gave it up. They disappeared. Shortly after I had my sit-down with the feds, Amanda's blog disappeared. Even GenXpose posted an announcement to her readers that if her blog suddenly disappeared, that they needn't worry and she would find a new place to post her hate posts against me.
Hhhmmm, Amanda's other blog is taken down, and GenXpose fears being taken down, how interesting.
Then Amanda pops back up again boo-hooing about all of my defense posts about her. "Take them down" she moans and groans, crying about the fact that future employers might Google her name some day and will discover what a psychopath she and her husband truly are. My response was, "had you not picked this fight to begin, none of these defense posts would be here".
And then eventually, she went away. We had hoped for good, right? I stopped posting about her because she was no longer posting about me. When you leave me alone, I leave you alone. You don't write about me, I won't write about you. Well, pretty much. Once Amanda, her husband and GenXpose stoppped with their bullying of me, I pretty much had nothing left to write about and turned my attention to trying to help others somewhat. But this was the result of me doing such a great job at uncovering bully lies about me that other authors sought for me to help them out too. I guess when you stand up for yourself against bullies, you do inspire others to do the same. It's an assembly line effect. STGRB inspired me, I inspired others, and so on and so forth. That's what it's all about.
The end result is the changes we are now seeing on Goodreads. And the more we learn about tragic suicides from kids being stalked and harassed in the news, the closer we are getting to future regulations against cyber bullying. The closer we get to those regulations, the closer to the end we come to these GR bullies and now, BL bullies.
Okay, so finally, Amanda Welling is gone. Cool.
But wait! I think the sequel has just been released!
She's baaaaack.
Just recently on the website "Bullylikes", Amanda Welling decided to become a "Dawidiot". And no sooner does she join when she quickly turns to the one she loves the most! .... Me. :)
Check out this post she made.
Yes, that's right, she's back to lathering her butt hurt whine and lying again. But really, are you too surprised? I know I'm not. But wait, there's more. She also left this comment on a post requesting the bullies to tell about their experiences with the authors they bullied. You know, the authors like myself who finally stood up to them and hurt their precious little feelings with the truth.
* Group response * ...... "Aaaawwwwwww"
And so, what does Amanda write? Check it out.
Yes, she calls me Crazy Bryant. The same nickname that GenX has for me.
Interesting. O_o
Ahem, moving on.
Yes, she says I am obsessed with her. After not writing about her for the past few months, I became so obsessed with her that she joins "Bullylikes" and the first thing she does is write about .... me? O_O
And I am so obsessed with her that when she leaves a comment on some other hate post the first person she mentions is ...... me? O_O
Just like I was so obsessed with her back in July 2012 when I didn't even know her (now that's one crazy obsession right there) that she went and wrote a post about me on her blog. O_O
Just like I was so obsessed with her that she and her husband came to my blog and started leaving comments all of over it. O_O
OMG! Now I'm obsessed with her husband!
Just like I was so obsessed with her and her husband that they started sending me unwanted emails. O_O
What the hell was I thinking, man?
And of course, in her butt hurt lying rant on "Bullylikes", this "Dawidiot" still thinks I am a member of STGRB. LOL Hey Amanda, when I said you should start taking your stupid pills, I meant the ones that will help cure your stupidity, not enhance it.
And where is Jonathon Welling at in all of this? I mean, I'm for women's lib all the way, but come on dude, in a marriage, there comes a time when the man must take off his dress and put on the pants for crying out loud. Do your wife, and marriage, a favor dude, take away her computer until she has gotten me out of her system.
Unless ...... her strange attraction for me makes the bedroom atmosphere more, shall we say, pleasant? O_o
Okay, that's just grossing me out here.
Like I needed the visual of two pork-chops slapping nasties when one of them has her eyes closed and thinking about yours truly. (-_-)
God, another infected thought just occurred to me, what if he is thinking about me too when they .... when they ..... OH ..... MY ..... GOD! .. (0_0)
Ahem! .... Let me get my cool back.
Think THE FONZ ..... Ayeee.
* 2 thumbs up *
Okay, much better now. I'm cool.
Now let's address a few of her lies in her "Bullylikes" rant, shall we?
She starts out by saying that she deleted her GR account because she was tired of being stalked by STGRB. Really Amanda? They were stalking you? You know, they may have mentioned you before because of you and your husband stalking me, but I don't see anything on their site that resembles them stalking you. Have they sent you unwanted emails like you and your husband sent to me? No, I don't think so. That would have been stalking.
She says she felt like her every move was being watched which explains why she shut down all of her social media accounts. You mean, like how you and your husband watch my every move, Amanda? Yeah, I can relate to that feeling. *Eye Roll*
She says she wanted to get away from the drama. Really Amanda? The drama you yourself (and your husband) started to begin with? *Eye Roll*
She says a certain member of STGRB still writes about her. Really Amanda? And who would that be? I haven't seen anything on STGRB lately that pertains to you. No posts, nothing. Oh wait, were you referring to me? I'm a member of STGRB? Really? Okay, if that helps you stalk better at night, I mean, sleep better.
And if you were referring to me, FYI, I haven't written about you for a while either. Until now. You know, it's my obsession to address your obsession with me.
She says I and STGRB can't let things go. We follow her everywhere. You mean, like you can't let things go, Amanda? So you know, the first thing you do when you join "Bullylikes" and become a "Dawidiot" is you write a post about me? *Eye Roll*
Then she says she wasn't dragged away by the feds. That she deleted all of her accounts of her own accord. Well Amanda, nobody said you were dragged away but you were investigated by them because I was the one who filed the complaint with them when you sent them to my door. I also know for a fact they sent you and your husband an email, warning you to stop sending me emails and to basically leave me alone. Perhaps that shook your crazy tree enough for you to take down those social media sites of yours. And perhaps that's why GenXpose made that announcement on her hate blog warning her three readers to not freak out if her blog was removed. *Eye Roll* (I love how bullies spin everything)
She says authors are their own business. She says an author is a company. (She must be a democrat) She is comparing flesh and bone human beings to corporations. (You know, those things in brick buildings that begin with an ideal.) Of course, the difference is that brick buildings and ideals do not carry emotions like those corporations made out of flesh and bones have. *Eye Roll* And she suggests that people can boycott business who have different values from her own. Really Amanda? A business is a living, breathing entity that has values? Really? No wonder I freak out when I enter the doors of them things. I was being monitored! *Eye Roll*
Word up, Amanda, business are not people. A business doesn't have values, the people who own them might. The people who work in that business might, but the business itself doesn't. Geesh. You're not too bright are you?
But also, Amanda, you don't know my values. But since you brought it up, I will share them with you. I value family. I value friends. I value children, they are the future of our species. I value education. (And I encourage you to go out and get some of that) I value privacy. I don't believe in writing posts about someone I do not know and whom does not know me, and has not done anything against me to begin with. I do not like bullies. I do not like stalkers. I do not like liars. (All of which these things, you are) I value life and I value other people's feelings when they value mine. I do not engage in sending unwanted emails to people like you and your husband practice.
Oh, I also value differences of opinion, and values of other people. You see, I'm cut from the cloth that not everyone is going to believe the same way as myself, but I respect other people's beliefs and perspectives, even if i don't agree with them, because diversity is the spice of life. If you respected other people's beliefs, then maybe you wouldn't boycott them. Of course, boycotting itself means, if a company is killing whales for profit, then yeah, boycott them. A boycott is not taking to your blog and writing lies about someone, like you did to me. A boycott is not writing fake reviews and giving fake ratings of work you never even read. A boycott isn't sending unwanted emails to perfect strangers or getting involved with their private, adult relations when it is of no concern to you. You see Amanda, first you need to learn what a boycott is. Then you may use it in a sentence.
What you and your friends are doing Amanda, is not boycotting. You're stalking, you're harassing, you're bullying, and you're lying. So please, go out and get yourself some of that edmacation I was speaking of earlier. And while you're at it, pick up a heart and soul too.
She says when authors are amazing and outstanding to work with, people need to know this. First of all, when have I ever worked with you? When has any author ever worked with you? The answer is ... never! Authors don't work with their readers. *Eye Roll* But I digress, who are you to judge me? To judge anyone? Just because you have some kind of difference with them doesn't mean everyone else will or does. So who are you and your friends to go out and spread shit about other human beings? Especially when you lie like you and your friends do just to try and make your point? When I have a difference with people, I keep it mostly to myself. In fact, I have some differences with people right now. Some of my internet friends, fellow authors and sometimes, I have differences with the people at STGRB, but guess what? You don't see me writing posts about it, do you? No, because I respect those differences. Not everyone is going to see things the same way I do, nor will I see it the same way with them. But guess what? I like it like that. I still won't go out and "boycott" them (as you call it) just because of it. I'm not that adolescent anymore. I grew up. But that's just me.
Then Amanda says she and "Bullylikes" carry a lot of the same values. Really? "Bullylikes" has values? Again, it;s a website, it;s not a living breathing thing. It's not a person. *EyeRoll*
She also makes the claim that she (Amanda Welling) is not a troll. This explains why she trolled me for months. Her and her husband. The proof is right here on this blog. Even her own confession of it. But just because she wrote about me first, left numerous comments on my blogs, sent me unwanted emails from out of the blue, and told lies about me, naaaaw, she aint a troll. *Major Eye Roll*
I guess that's why she also says she don't like spamming. or unsolicited remarks unless she is the one doing the spamming and giving out unsolicited remarks. She also says she doesn't like outright nastiness from authors. Well guess what Amanda? I don't like outright nastiness from you. Which is why after six months, I finally addressed your nastiness.
She says, like her bully friends say, that she shelves book under "Badly Behaving" to 'remind her to never read that authors books'. Really Amanda? You can't just make a shelf titled, "Do Not Read"? And leave it at that? Oh, no, you have to judge people don't you? Let everyone know that you think this author is badly behaving yet failing to mention that you were the one who attacked me first.
You need some serious help girl. You and your friends.
She also claims that she never goes around picking out authors randomly to "ruin" their careers. yet for some reason, she sure picked me out randomly, didn't she? I mean, like I said earlier, when she wrote about me in July of 2012, I didn't know who she was. I never interacted with her before. I never did anything to her. Nor said anything. So why did she write about me? And why did she come to my blog leaving comments? And why did her husband do that too? And even when I was not responding to her, why did her and her husband continue to stalk and harass me with unwanted emails of hate?
Why indeed.
You see Amanda, you did randomly pick me out to try and "ruin" my career. I never did anything to you even up until about six months after you and your husband were attacking me. So if you would please come on here in the comments section, I would really appreciate to know why it was in fact that you even started in with me in the first place if we never interacted before. Can you do that, Amanda? Will you do that? Would you just come here and tell me why you wrote about me in July of 2012 on your blog? And why you and your husband left the nasty comments? And why you and your husband sent me unwanted and hateful emails?
I sure would like to know.
But she won't come here and explain herself. She won't do that because she randomly selected me from out of the blue to purposely, and maliciously, try and ruin my career. To stalk me, harass me, and bully me. Didn't you, Amanda?
It's simple, Amanda, if you didn't want me in your life, then why did you invade mine?
I'm Carroll Bryant .... and this is the Looking Glass.
Things We Learned Today:
* Amanda Welling and her husband attacked me first for absolutely no reason
* After three months of no Amanda, she joins "Bullylikes" and becomes a "Dawidiot" and the first thing she does is write and comment about me. (And I'm the stalker) *Eye Roll*
* A Tootsie Roll is a lot better than an eye roll
* Amanda can't help herself to lie
* Amanda and her husband may be having impure bedroom thoughts about the Carz while slapping nasties
* Amanda is proud to judge others
* Amanda thinks a business or corporation is the same as a human being
* Amanda knew nothing of Carroll's values before this post
* Amanda Welling, her husband Jon, and the rest of their friends are just plain bullies
* Jon Welling wears dresses? O_O
* "Dawidiot" is still the word of the day