Well, I'm beginning to get to the bottom of this Tucker Reed attack performed by the GR / BL bullies. One thing is for certain, I have searched hell and high water for anything that Tucker Reed has done, and yet I can't seem to find it. There is a reason for that as suggested in some interesting screenshots I have been able to capture on Shelby's BL page. Interesting doesn't even begin to cover half of it. Meanwhile, the bullies are coming out in full force, sock puppets and all, on this one. They even mock, and pretty much make fun of, Tucker being raped! Yes, you heard correctly, so let's get to it and maybe we can figure this thing out together, shall we? And we will once again be reminded why these people are bullies.
We kick things off with this shot of Shelby's BL profile page. For a while now, Shelby has been going after Tucker real hard for some unknown reason. I don't know what started this feud, and while Shelby (and the bullies) contend that Tucker started it, so far no evidence has been presented by the bullies to demonstrate this. (No big surprise there, is it?)
Apparently, while Shelby hasn't provided any evidence to show that Tucker has been harassing her, Tucker has been providing evidence to GR that Shelby, and the bullies, are up to their old tricks in harassing authors, (Namely her) because Tucker has been doing the right thing in reporting Shelby to GR staff, it's obvious in this next screenshot that Shelby isn't one too fond of that. It appears that Shelby has been given a couple of warnings by GR for her bad behavior towards Tucker so Shelby retreated to "Bullylikes" to let her feelings be known with a post aptly titled, "Author From Hell". (How "bully-like".)

Yes, Tucker has reported Shelby's bad behavior to GR and in return, GR has given Shelby two warnings for it, but does that resolve the problem? Does Shelby get a clue and cease her harassment of Tucker? Of course not, not even in the shadow of possibly being banned for her bad behavior, and bully-like ways. She ends her really tiny rant by simply calling Tucker a "bitch". That's nice. And of course I don't blame Tucker for wanting to see another bully banned, I mean, if the bullies are not going to stop with their hostile actions, they deserve to be banned. However, Shelby admits to know what the problem is, she just can't help herself from stopping what she's doing, and she can't seem to let it go. Check it out.

You see, Shelby has been warned about her review of Tucker the author, not Tucker's book. Then if that wasn't enough, Shelby goes to her friends review of Tucker the author, not Tucker's book, and attacks Tucker there. That is what apparently sparked the second warning from GR to Shelby. You would think Shelby would have gotten the message the first time, but never let it be said that the bullies learn anything. They tend to follow up bad behavior with more bad behavior. And look who is there to try and ease Shelby's pain, and bully actions, why it's Shoshana Bick herself, (All Hail Grimock) licking the wounds of her fellow bully pal. Shelby responds to this pampering by assuming that every bully who carpet bombs books are targeted GR for deletion. Shoshana responds in true bully fashion by saying how badly she wants to get her hands on Tucker's first book and "tear into it now". (I bet she does want to tear into it. Take that, Tucker Reed.)
Then "E" gets into it like a real bully, and wants to know who it is she has to kill. (These people sure do like to use that word a lot, don't they? It would appear that life holds no value to these people. I guess that's why they are bullies.)
I wish I could make this stuff up, but sadly, I can't. Maybe "E" is a "Mrs. Joseph" sock puppet, since she likes wishing people dead so much. Who knows? One thing we do know from this blog is we have seen the bullies wish many people dead on multiple occasions. And they can't figure out why they are bullies? Or just plain bad people? Or why we say they are soulless? And while "Lady Danielle" wonders "what the actual fuck," she goes on to call Tucker a "crazy bitch". Good ole Shelby counters with a confession of sorts, saying how she has called Tucker so many names that she can't even think of anymore. How un-bully like. (Sarcasm)
Yes, it just goes to show how nice these people are. But leave it to Shoshana to help her friend out with coming up with some more hateful names to call Tucker. Check it out.
Wasn't that so kind of Shoshana Bick to do? She came up with "cockmuppet" and "twatwaffle", "douchecanoe" and of course, "twatface". Well, those are some fancy Harvard words you use there, Shoshana Bick, are you sure you're just not jealous of the fact that Tucker is quite the beautiful young lady where as you are .... to put it mildly .... NOT so attractive? Hey, at least Tucker doesn't look like a 40 year old homeless drunk dude / crack addict. Tucker is a desirable woman where as you, maybe not so much.
Then Shelby announces that she asked a question on GR Feedback Forum. Take a look.
Yes, after leaving an author review on her book review of Tucker's book, and after being warned, and ... after attacking Tucker on her friend Cory's review of Tucker, and being warned again, good ole Shelby wants to know why she, Shelby, is being harassed by Tucker and GR isn't doing anything about it. After all, as according to Shelby, it's Tucker's fault for her being warned about her (Shelby's) bad behavior. I like how the bullies fail to take responsibility for their actions, don't you? (Rhetorical)
Then Shelby quickly responds to her own post, hoping that she doesn't get "into trouble" over it. Well, Shelby, if you think there's a chance you will get into trouble over it, why even bother asking the question? It's kind of like, if you know you're going to get shocked by sticking your tongue into a light socket while it's plugged into the electrical outlet, then why do it? .... Again?
Then another bully, "Dee" recommends that Shelby contact "Kara Erickson" for help. After all, haven't we already suspected that Kara Erickson "has the bullies" back? This comment by "Dee" doesn't to thwart that notion, now does it?
So, what does Shelby's review of Tucker's book look like? Well, this next screenshot will answer that. Take a look see.
Yes, Shelby posted a few gif's to go with her one star. The first gif you see has a pink monster throwing-up. How helpful to Tucker that must be. Do you know of any real readers doing this? Not me either. And let us not overlook the "kind" (sarcasm again) book shelves that Shelby places Tucker's book in. She uses "BBA" as one of them. Didn't bully leader, "Indie Angie" (Angela Horn) say that making a book shelf with "BBA" (badly behaving author) equal to that of using the "R" word? (Retarded) Well, if you read my recent post, "Angela Horn: The Horn Identity", then you would see it. Why isn't bully Angela Horn condemning Shelby for it? Oh wait, that's right, like Angela, Shelby is a bully too, and we all know that bullies are allowed to do it where as the rest of us may not. Silly me. (Sarcasm yet again)
Let's take a look at some more bully ratings of Tucker's book. You know, people who never even read it.
"Figgy" admits not having any interest in Tucker's book at all, yet "Figgy" still rates it a one star because "it's my right", she says. Proving once more how the bullies lie about all of this so called reading they do. "Figgy" also admits to having had to "Modify" her review. That is slang for, "I violated GR review policy and got called out for it so I am changing it". And yet "Figgy" still doesn't really adhere to the GR review policy, does she? Nope, she makes sure that everybody knows that she is a bully and a non-conformant to the rules by giving a false rating to a book she never even read. Also notice her lovely book shelves for the book, as well as "Andrea's" book shelves. Oh no, they aren't bullies at all. (More sarcasm)
Then "Lady Danielle" tries to be as polite as she possibly can in this next screenshot, where Tucker's book is concerned. Take a peek.
I guess "Lady Danielle" isn't a real lady after all. And for a bully, "fuck no" probably is about as polite as she can get. Well done, "Lady Danielle", well done indeed. Way to "restrain" yourself. (Sarcasm)
Well known bully, Linda Hamilton, chimes in too, claiming she doesn't want to read the book, but she damn well doesn't like it with another false rating.
Well, isn't that special? (Church Lady)
Now back to Shelby's BL page.
She announces that she got "shut down" on the GR Feedback Forum!
I warned you about that electrical outlet, didn't I?
"Lady Danielle" is done being a lady now. Take a look.
Yes! She is confused that Tucker hasn't been banned yet for .... for .... for Shelby leaving fake ratings and trying to demean and belittle Tucker in her author review. (I mean, book review) The nerve of GR! (Sarcasm folks) Poor "Lady Danielle" had to go and give herself a face-palm over it. Now, I have to give myself one too just reading "Lady Danielle's" comment.
*** Face Palm ***
Told you.
Um, "Lady Danielle", I think GR is following their own damn rules on this one.
And we have a "Book Review Forevermore" sighting.

You read correctly folks, "Book Review Forevermore" is going to march right over to Goodreads, and in true bully fashion, she is going to create a book shelf and call it, "BBA" just for Tucker Reed. (And they are not bullies?) And of course, she is doing it for a good reason, because it is "unacceptable" that Tucker flagged Shelby for her rules violations. Bad Tucker! (Sarcasm) But this is because bully staff member, Emily Finley, says it is now okay to do. But we all know, just because it's allowed, doesn't mean it's not bullying. (Or a form of) Right? And by "little gem", "Book review Forevermore" means, Tucker. In other words, she is saying, "I'm going to march right over to GR and demean and belittle Tucker too! (I thought the bullies said it was all about the books? Looks like we were deceived again!) I don't think any comment shows more that for the bullies, it's not about the books but rather, it's all about bullying authors, than that comment. Once again, that little lie has been debunked.
Then "Debbie's Spurts" gets into the action.
No "Debbie", Tucker doesn't think it's "illegal" to talk to your friends, but it is against GR policy to attack authors in reviews. Haven't you been keeping up? Apparently not. But thanks for acknowledging that you people are "malicious" reviewers. Good to know. And yes, FYI, it is GR's job to keep you bullies away from attacking authors. (I mean, "malicious" reviewers.)
Then "Written Among The Stars" jumps in, talking about Tucker being raped. A horrific ordeal for any woman, and yet "Written Among The Stars" and "Grim" (Shoshana Bick) seem to think that Tucker is "faking" her rape claim. Check it out.
Can you feel the love? (Sarcasm)
Did I mention that these people were soulless? How about heartless?
No, "Written Among The Stars", us "idiot" authors don't take your comment as a threat that you want to kill Tucker yourself, but we do see how, like so many other bullies, you think the world would be better off if Tucker was dead. That wish was not misconstrued in any way, shape, or form! But again, that kind of caring on your part, and the part of Bully Nation, comes as no shock to the rest of us with commonsense. You wish she was dead. Period! Next time, just say it like that, idiot. Then "Written" ends her little comment by calling Tucker a "fartface". Next time, Written, try one of Shoshana's suggestions. I think "twatface" was the word you were looking for?
"You're a poopy-head." .... "No, you're a poopy-head."
Then "Amaranth" tries to be noble, and states how she finally went against her "convictions". Take a look.
Yes, "Amaranth", you went to GR and made a bully book shelf and gave a book you never read a fake one star rating because, you know, you're not a bully in the least. (Sarcasm) And yes, we believe you that this is your "first" time. (Sarcasm) Shelby seems happy about it though.
Then Steve McKinney proudly displays his bully side.
"Never Was ..." is the title of Tucker's book, and Steve McKinney just went over to GR and shelved Tucker's book, "Neverwill". He's so clever. Ahahahaha, hahahaha, ahem .... idiot Steve. (Not to be confused with "Scuba Steve") And at your age too, Mr. McKinney. Are you so happy to come up with that book shelf? You seem so proud of it. Did you come up with that one all on your own? Well, give the little peckerwood a cookie. You look like you have one foot on the stairway to God, old man. I would think you would be looking to get into his good graces with random acts of kindness, not intentional acts of bullying. Then again, I don't believe in God like that and so it appears you don't either. Touche'.
Another Shoshana Bick comment.
Of course you're feeling better and better about being banned by GR, Shoshana Bick, maybe because you already have one of your socks still on there. But seriously, when have you ever given GR any money? You don't have any money. And don't say it's from all your book sales either, you haven't sold any books. Man, the lies out of your man-mouth just keep a flowing downstream to the waterfall, doesn't it? LOL (Not sarcasm, but maybe the LOL was?)
Then we get to hear from Tucker's mother, and co-author to Tucker's books, Kelly Moore. She is trying to understand the bully madness, and attempts to "state her case" politely and concisely. Take a look.
Kelly Moore is calling for a "civil" discussion in hopes of rectifying this situation. Of course, had she been aware of STGRB, she would know better than to attempt this. I tried it once myself. Maybe twice. Maybe more, to no avail. I could have told her what kind of response she would get from the bullies. Their goal is not to rectify anything, but more to make it worse and make up even more reasons for which they can explain away for attacking her daughter more. Don't believe me? Look for yourself. (Other than Shoshana Bick's response.) Where she says that Kelly is making it worse by being nice and polite and for trying to find an amicable resolution. Shoshana Bick is not the only one, "Book Reviews Forevermore" calls Kelly's peaceful attempt "stalking". (RME) See for yourself.
No, "Book reviews Forevermore", Kelly Moore is not stalking, she's trying to resolve the matter that you bullies started. But thanks for playing, "Who Wants To Be a Moron Today?"
Then Kelly hits her, and the rest of the bullies, with some logic. This obviously flies over the head of the bullies because logic isn't even in their vocabulary. (Nor their dictionary. Nor their Thesaurus.)
Nice try, Kelly, but I could have told you it wouldn't work. The bullies are not looking for a resolve, unless it includes the death of authors. Instead, they are looking for more ways to attack and bully you and your daughter. The fact that you are attempting to discuss the situation rationally is grounds for more war to them. Don't believe me? See for yourself what "Princess Eva Rose" has to say.
Told you."Princess Eva Rose" wants Kelly to stop with the rationale / crazy talk.
So does well known bully, "TinaNicole".
Yes, it would appear we have gotten to the bottom of this mess finally. Shelby was threatened by Tucker Reed, and harassed, but hey, don't ask for any "factual evidence" of it because false accounts are being opened, I assume on GR, and these false accounts are sending Shelby messages and leaving comments. Okay, so Shelby hasn't taken one screenshot of these threats and of this harassment, but that's because these are false accounts we are talking about here.
Um .... what the fuck? O_o
If I were being threatened and harassed, I would read it, screenshot it, flag it, and if by chance that person deleted their account before GR could get to it, I would send them the screenshot of it, and post the screenshot on my blog or BL account to prove that it was happening.
Maybe I'm just normal that way.
Why Shelby can't do this is beyond me. And GR could still get a lock on the ISP of that deleted account if it was happening. Evidently, the ISP doesn't register back to Tucker Reed so that would indicate that Tucker has nothing to do with it. Which would explain why Tucker isn't getting warned or banned by GR. And as I stated earlier in this post, I have searched my author ass off to find anything Tucker has said or done to Shelby and I can't find a single thing. Even in her groups, Tucker doesn't mention anything about Shelby or the bullies or the situation that is taking place. And I really wanted to find something, too so that I could post a fair and balanced article here today. But nothing. Nada. Zero.
"TinaNicole" ends her comment saying that Shelby can't provide any evidence that Tucker or Kelly herself, are the ones who are threatening and harassing her. In fact, poor innocent Shelby (sarcasm) can't even provide evidence that is even being threatened and harassed to begin with. I guess like with everything else we hear from the bullies, we just have to take their word for it.
*** Sigh ***
Then Kelly, (Tucker's mother) tries one more time to reason with these bullies.
To no avail.
She's not arguing with you, Shelby.
They appeared to be ignoring you but you still didn't stop, Shelby, hence the two warnings.
Buy a clue.
Kelly came on to express how hurt she is to try and peacefully resolve the issue so the hurt would go away for both sides, but you refuse, Shelby. The problem isn't that Kelly is trying to reach out to you, the problem is you are not even trying to accept that reach.
The proof is in the pudding, Shelby. (The pudding being "factual evidence") So put up, or shut up, that's my take on the situation. Tucker has been flagging you because you have been behaving badly. Stop behaving badly, and Tucker won't flag you. If you don't behave badly, there would be nothing for Tucker to flag. And if what she flagged wasn't bad behavior, then GR wouldn't have given you TWO (count them) TWO warnings already. Three strikes and you're out.
If I were you, Shelby, and I'm so grateful that I'm not, I would stop behaving badly. End of story. So why is it that you can't end the story? Well, you know, without being banned? Just end the stupid. End the bullying. End the bad behavior, and guess what? This war you started would end too, and peace could once again rule the kingdom.
Wait! I almost forgot, you can't do that. You're a bully.
I'm Carroll Bryant .... and this is The Looking Glass.
To read the entire comments on Shelby's BL page, just click the link below.